Benefits of installing a commercial solar for your business
Businesses don’t always think about including solar power systems as a part of the financial strategy, but they should. It’s a great way to reduce costs and increase profits. More often than not electricity costs are significantly cost for a business. They increase every year and generally there increasing at a higher rate than inflation.
By installing solar power systems companies can significantly reduce or eliminate their electricity overheads for 25 years or more. Installing solar protects your business from rising electricity prices and makes it possible for you to forecast your expenses accurately. As a result, you greatly improve your ability to manage your budgets and expenses over the long term.

Solar is also a great investment
Your business can earn an annual return on investment that exceed 30% or more with minimal risk, in other words you can recover your investment in solar panel system in about 3 to 4 years.
Environmental benefits
For every kilowatt of solar panels you install, your business avoids about one tonne of carbon emission every year, it’s roughly the same as planting 20 trees every year for every kilowatt of solar panels you install. Additionally, your solar panels are a visible sign your company’s commitment to sustainability and to the community in which you operate. This visibility often translates into significant brand and marketing advantages.

Incentives to install commercial solar
Over the past few years commercial solar panels prices have fallen dramatically, now they are cheaper than ever. Government rebates and tax benefits available to you can reduce your initial investment. Business can also benefit from deprecation, your business can write off some of the business costs. Reducing your over tax burden significantly.
Commercial Solar is affordable
Today solar is affordable for most businesses. Solar will improve your bottom line, make your business more competitive. Commercial solar power system delivers tremendous value to your business, now’s the time to install your commercial solar system.

Commercial Solar Projects
Below are just a few examples of some of the commercial solar power projects Watters has delivered, all of which demonstrate the skillset and capabilities of our team.